Possible To Use As A Website Background?
John-Lea opened this issue · 5 comments
John-Lea commented
Is it possible to use this code as a background/backdrop for a website?
PavelDoGreat commented
sure you can use it
John-Lea commented
is there anything special I need to do in order to do so? or do I just add any of my website code into the index.html?
PavelDoGreat commented
I think you'd have to delete analytics code (every ga
function calls) and you could also delete gui if you want, just remove startGUI function. You also need to have canvas tag in index.html
Delivator commented
I made an Wallpaper Engine version of this project: https://github.com/Delivator/WebGL-Fluid-Simulation
cloydlau commented
I made ES module version of this project:
import WebglFluid from 'webgl-fluid'