Breaks when using or wrapping in an anchor element
ivoilic opened this issue · 2 comments
ivoilic commented
Applying a squircle fill to an <a>
or wrapping another element in one results in nothing appearing
kschiffer commented
This is a real make-or-break matter. Does anyone have any insight why this happens?
EDIT: This is a security feature. More info here:
pedroalmeida415 commented
My workaround is to wrap the actual squircle in a div, position it absolute to not interfere with the actual content and make it have full width and height:
hard set parent z-index so squircle don't end up beneath other content
<div className='z-0 relative size-20'>
Set the z-index to negative so it isn't on top of the actual content
<div className='squircle absolute left-0 top-0 -z-10 h-full w-full'></div>
<a className='h-full w-full' href='mailto:###'>
<!-- Your link content -->