Ignore on update
mbendtsen opened this issue · 3 comments
mbendtsen commented
Is it possible to ignore update? I only want to insert if not exists.
propertiesToMatchOn: x => new { x.Timestamp, x.Obis, x.Value, x.DeviceId },
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
PawelGerr commented
Please update the lib to 4.0.0-beta03
and let the property propertiesToUpdate
provide 0 properties explicitly.
await ctx.BulkInsertOrUpdateAsync(
propertiesToUpdate: x => new { });
// or
await ctx.BulkInsertOrUpdateAsync(
new SqlServerBulkInsertOrUpdateOptions { PropertiesToUpdate = EntityPropertiesProvider.Empty });
mbendtsen commented
Thanks. When will it come out of beta?
PawelGerr commented
I planning to make a release until the of this year but there is no guarantee.