
4.69 version: Too few arguments to function Payline\PaylineSDK::buildSoapObject(), 2 passed and exactly 3 expected

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Too few arguments to function Payline\PaylineSDK::buildSoapObject(), 2 passed in

(...)/vendor/monext/payline-sdk/src/Payline/PaylineSDK.php on line 1586 and exactly 3 expected

Too few arguments to function Payline\PaylineSDK::buildSoapObject(), 2 passed in

(...)/vendor/monext/payline-sdk/src/Payline/PaylineSDK.php on line 1586 and exactly 3 expected

Dans le fichier paylineSDK.php, ligne 1586, il faut écrire :

$this->privateData[] = $this->buildSoapObject($array, new PrivateData(), self::SOAP_PRIVATE_DATA);

au lieu de :

$this->privateData[] = $this->buildSoapObject($array, new PrivateData());

RC is for Release Candidate. Tagging RC after the release of 4.69 does not make sense.
This issue is breaking for the release 4.69.
Can you please change the tag to something more appropriate (4.69.1 maybe) for better integration with composer, and easier dependencies management,