
how to run this on localhost?

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Literally all I did is download this git and run it on my localhost, changed the secret key and opened the path of the folder on my browser!

Showing this on my browser,
Your server is set up.
/ does not exist
Open /payment to test the form.

How do I get to test this? what is the recognized paths?

change your /index.php to /payment it should work.
i'm getting
Curl failed with response: 'SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate'.

@teabread90 apologies for the tardy response... I guess you already figured out that the recognized path is /payment tho.

@adescode this article should help you understand: .

TL;DR > Your PHP server is old and needs an update.

@teabread90 all you have to do is link it to the folder named paystack and index.php will direct it to pay.php or html and that would be solved

change your /index.php to /payment it should work.
i'm getting
Curl failed with response: 'SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate'.

Still not working