
Error while charging

NijaahnandhRV opened this issue · 2 comments

Code :

@IBAction func charge(sender: UIButton) {
        // cardParams already fetched from our view or assembled by you
        let cardParams = PSTCKCardParams.init();
        cardParams.number = "2963781976222"
        cardParams.cvc = "289"
        cardParams.expYear = 2018
        cardParams.expMonth = 9
        let transactionParams = PSTCKTransactionParams.init();
        // building new Paystack Transaction
        transactionParams.amount = 1390;
        let custom_filters: NSMutableDictionary = [
            "recurring": true
        let items: NSMutableArray = [
        do {
            try transactionParams.setCustomFieldValue("iOS SDK", displayedAs: "Paid Via");
            try transactionParams.setCustomFieldValue("Paystack hats", displayedAs: "To Buy");
            try transactionParams.setMetadataValue("iOS SDK", forKey: "paid_via");
            try transactionParams.setMetadataValueDict(custom_filters, forKey: "custom_filters");
            try transactionParams.setMetadataValueArray(items, forKey: "items");
        } catch {
        } = "";
//         check for details on how these work
         transactionParams.subaccount  = "ACCT_80d907euhish8d";
         transactionParams.bearer  = "subaccount";
         transactionParams.transaction_charge  = 280;
//         if a reference is not supplied, we will give one
         transactionParams.reference = "ChargedFromiOSSDK@"
        PSTCKAPIClient.shared().chargeCard(cardParams, forTransaction: transactionParams, on: self,
                                           didEndWithError: { (error, reference) -> Void in
        }, didRequestValidation: { (reference) -> Void in
            print("an OTP was requested, transaction has not yet succeeded")
        }, didTransactionSuccess: { (reference) -> Void in
            print("transaction may have succeeded, please verify on backend")

Error :

Error Domain=com.paystack.lib Code=80 "There was an error processing your card -- try again in a few seconds" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=There was an error processing your card -- try again in a few seconds, com.paystack.lib:ErrorMessageKey=Invalid Subaccount}```

No response so closing.

Hi @NijaahnandhRV. Sincere apologies for the late response. What is the error you are getting on charging?