
Error After Payment Completion

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi Support,
I currently installed PrestaShop 7.1 paystack integration, After the customer completes the payment process and the account debited, there is usually a redirect error from paystack back to the website that gives payment successful feedback. Please, can you confirm what we need to do at our end as well as yours too.

Hello @seyi-adetunji, we will need some more information. What specific redirect error is happening? Can you provide screenshots? Entry from your server error logs?

(PS: I think you mean PrestaShop 1.7. Please correct me if I am wrong so I can look at the issue with fresh eyes)

Yes. Prestashop 1.7. When a customer completes a successful payment and instead of getting order payment confirmation, they get server error page.

Please this error still hasn't been fixed. Prestashop 1.7.