
A HUB from where all your dot files are easily manageable and editable

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A comfortable HUB for your dotfiles :)

Very early alpha, be aware!


At your $HOME, .dothub is going to be created. Here you can create a directory (DotFolder) named, for example polybar. Inside polybar, you have to create a .dothub file for configuration (in TOML), the only required option is destination which dictates where is the location of your dot file folder.

All the options are:

option type description
start String Command to start the program/what you are configuring
kill String Command to kill that program
reload String Command to reaload the program. By default uses kill + start commands
destination String REQUIRED Destination of the dotfile folder
reload_on_set Bool If the program should restart after setting a new Dot. Default is true
find_and_replace Bool Finds the same named files/directories inside destination and replaces only those. Useful for changing only some files and directories inside a bigger folder, eg. ~/home or ~/.config. Default is false

In your DotFolder, you can create more folders (Dots) which will be symlinked to your destination on dothub set. You can have a .dothub file inside a Dot, which will be prioritized over your DotFolder's configuration.

Avaiable commands:

command description
set Applies a dot.
watch Watches a Dot and reloads on any change. (basically brings "hot-reload" to any program)
list Lists all Dots
start Runs the Dots 'start' command.
kill Runs the Dots 'kill' command.
reload Runs the Dots 'reload' command. If 'reload' isn't specified, it will try to use 'kill' and 'start' as an alternative.
run Runs a program forked, with a different PID. (doesn't halt the terminal, you can use your WM/Compositor solutions)
edit Launches $EDITOR with specified Dot.
profile *with profile commands, list below

Profile commands:

command description
set Applies a profile
list Lists all profiles


With the generation of .dothub in your $HOME, a folder called profiles will also be created, this isn't counted as a DotFolder. In your profiles, you can define a profile as a file in .toml with two optional "fields".

option type description
start array Array of commands that should be executed on dothub profile set
dots map A hashmap of DotFolder = "Dot", see example


In your .dothub:


In profiles/ocean.toml:

start = [
  "notify-send 'Profile set!'",
  "notify-send 'You are now using profile ~ocean~ :)'"

waybar = "nord"
wofi = "minimalist"

In waybar/.dothub:

start = 'dothub run waybar'
kill = 'pkill waybar'
destination = '~/.config/waybar'

To apply a DotProfile: dothub profile set ocean

To apply a Dot: dothub set waybar/neon