
Lua to Obj-C

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Is there a way Lua can send an Asynchronous message to obj-C/swift while executing a function that was invoked from obj-c/swift?

What do you mean by "async" here? Sending a message is always intiazed in a sync way. Then, it could get decoupled by moving it into a thread, and then it runs quasi-parallel, but it's still not async.
Async usually means that a response to a request comes back in an async matter, ie. you don't get it back right away when you make the call to the request, but would get a function called "out of line" of what it's currently doing.
This lib (and Lua in general) allows your app to make calls into Lua functions, and Lua can call functions that your app has provided to the Lua context.
But nothing of this is really async.

(I propose to close this "issue")