
Error: The file is not displayed in the text editor because it is a directory.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Some note types can't be open and I've got this error "The file is not displayed in the text editor because it is a directory."


I think the problem is with card's templates that are ending with "?" sign

The icons next to Front and Back are different.
Non-working icons (problematic card's templates) in VS

Working icons in VS

I've tested this and it does indeed seem to be a problem with the "?" in the name of a card templates.
I'll see if I can fix it.

Interestingly, this problem doesn't occur when you open the note types as a workspace folder using the button in the top right corner of the anki-editor column. So you could use that as a workaround for now.

This has been fixed and published in version 1.0.4 .