
will only work with nested array conversion

Closed this issue · 2 comments


It seems in my php5 the sourcecode works only with array-ish jsonmaterial, and not with mixed nesting of arrays and objects.
After pulling my hair out, I found out that recursive pre-processing of the inputdata makes jsonpath selectors work.
You might want to include this in your JsonPath-class instead:

    $store = new Peekmo\JsonPath\JsonStore();
    $arr   = json_decode( $obj);        // will *not* work and break jsonpath
    $arr   = json_decode( $obj,true); // will *work*  this turns it into full associative array, no nested objects
    die( json_encode( $store->get( $arr, $input->path ) ) );

My guess is that jsonpath always returns arrays which breaks a selector when it hits objects.
So a json-string like:

{ "foo": { "bar":[1,2,3] } }

and a selector like


will not work because when the parser fetches 'foo', it gets an array-representation of "bar" (hence the '.bar'-part of the selector will break and return false).


Sorry for the time to answer, I can't produce the problem.
Could you please, test with the new alpha version, it should resolve your problem in my opinion, everything is now use as array.


Thnx. Works now.
I cloned the last version, and ran the following test.
Both array / object input works now, see this output:

testing '$' on { "foo": { "bar":[1,2,3] } }:
output: [[1,2,3]]

testing '$' on { "foo": { "bar":[1,2,3] } }:
output: [[1,2,3]]

Using this test

$json  = '{ "foo": { "bar":[1,2,3] } }'; 
$path  = "$";
$obj   = json_decode( $json);        // will *not* work and break jsonpath    
$arr   = json_decode( $json,true); // will *work*  this turns it into full associative array, no nested objects

$store = new Peekmo\JsonPath\JsonStore($arr);
echo "testing '{$path}' on {$json}:\n";  
echo "output: ".json_encode( $store->get( $path ) )."\n\n";

$store = new Peekmo\JsonPath\JsonStore($obj);
echo "testing '{$path}' on {$json}:\n";  
echo "output: ".json_encode( $store->get( $path ) )."\n\n";