
Can't install the module

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After using:
npm install react-native-tcp --save
On the root directory of my react project

Im getting:

npm WARN gentlyRm not removing /Users/alex/Desktop/Phone/react/src1/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs as it wasn't installed by /Users/alex/Desktop/Phone/react/src1/node_modules/uglify-js
npm WARN gentlyRm not removing /Users/alex/Desktop/Phone/react/src1/node_modules/.bin/json5 as it wasn't installed by /Users/alex/Desktop/Phone/react/src1/node_modules/json5
npm WARN gentlyRm not removing /Users/alex/Desktop/Phone/react/src1/node_modules/fsevents/node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp as it wasn't installed by /Users/alex/Desktop/Phone/react/src1/node_modules/fsevents/node_modules/node-pre-gyp
npm WARN gentlyRm not removing /Users/alex/Desktop/Phone/react/src1/node_modules/.bin/esvalidate as it wasn't installed by /Users/alex/Desktop/Phone/react/src1/node_modules/esprima
npm WARN gentlyRm not removing /Users/alex/Desktop/Phone/react/src1/node_modules/.bin/esparse as it wasn't installed by /Users/alex/Desktop/Phone/react/src1/node_modules/esprima
npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
npm WARN react-native-tcp@3.3.0 requires a peer of react-native@>=0.40.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

+ react-native-tcp@3.3.0
added 7 packages, removed 865 packages and updated 3 packages in 12.693s

As you can see it deleted the other packages...
What should i do?

I created my project with:
react-native init src1
with react native v0.49