
Add sections?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hello Alf!

I think paper-now is a great idea, congratulations! I tried to add more sections to those previously included in the folder, but unfortunately the page doesn't build correctly. I also changed sections.html to include the new files but it didn't work. Any suggestions?

Here's my repo if you want to check out the mess I did:

Thanks! :)

Hi Danilo :)

Thanks for being one of the first to experiment with using Paper Now to write a paper, and you're right - it was too difficult to add new sections.

I've improved the handling of the abstract, keywords and article sections, and sent a pull request to bring your repository up to date.

Hi again :)

Thanks a lot for fixing those issues. You deserve to be a co-author, too! :)

I'm looking at the files you've changed and everything seems to be alright. However, I think the page still doesn't build. I'll take a close look at the files again and I get back to you soon.

It looks like it's built ok at - are you building locally, or on GitHub?

I tried to build it on GitHub and it didn't work (I swear! haha). But now the page seems fine, thanks a lot. Problem solved :)

BTW I can highly recommend installing GitHub's Jekyll set-up locally to test-build your paper locally ( That can save you a lot of broken commits, and I speak from experience :-)

You're right, Thomas. I'll do it next time! Thanks for the tip! :)