Can't subscribe humidity sensor value
zhangwei-arm opened this issue · 0 comments
I am trying to evaluate the mqtt example. By following the example docs, I can see the gateway, and MY_DEVICE from the portal. I can also setup the API key and subscribe the temperature value(3303/0/5700) and got notification for the updated temperature value through either the portal or webhook when I run "$ ./ -d MY_DEVICE -t 20.1 -h 67.5". However, I didn't receive any notification for the humidity sensor value which is (3304/0/5700) . In addition, when I issue a get request for the value of 3304/0/5700, I can get the updated value. So it's just subscription doesn't work. By inspecting the code, seems not much difference about the configuration of the two sensors.
Could anybody do a test and validation? Thanks.