
Icons Missing using PuTTY

BiskaWolf opened this issue ยท 7 comments

Hi all,

Sorry I know this isn't really an issue with the package itself, but has anyone managed to get the icons working correctly using PuTTY on Windows?

Install the patched fonts of powerline nerd-font and/or font-awesome. Have a look at the Nerd Font README for more installation instructions. Don't forget to setup your terminal in order to use the correct font.

Maybe this could help?

It works in SSH under Windows Terminal - it is a modern terminal for Windows 10.
Putty and Kitty uses old Windows stuff so it will not work 100%.
Don't forget to use a Nerd Font.

I contacted PuTTY developer Simon, and he kindly fixed that.
Try using PuTTY development snapshot. Of course, don't forget to use Nerd Font.

Tested on my PC.
The same font Caskaydia Cove Nerd Font will work 100% on Windows Terminal.
On Putty Development Snapshot will show only 50% of the icon.
For Example:
Clip Ico will show OK on both, type: echo -e "\uf64e".
Folder Ico will show 50% in Putty, type: echo -e "\uf115"

You can download the Nerd Font i am using here:


@RomelSan hmm... can it be font-specific? I just tried echo -e "\uf115" and it worked for me well, but I use Hack font (installed only *Windows Compatible.ttf files), not Cascadia Code

Keep in mind I was just a messenger here, I'm not part of either Nerd Font or PuTTY development teams.

Maybe because Cascadia Code is variable width, looking how your folder icon on the "correct" screenshot covers two letters above it. Hack, on the contrary, displays a folder glyph which is 1 character wide as other characters.

And that seems you have to switch to monospace font, here is what stackoverflow says:

Yes, you are right.
Putty only works with fonts (1 character wide).
Now i am installing monospace font version too.
Tested with hack nf mono windows compatible

Thanks for your help, now i can use putty again.