
Configuration manager support merging configurations base on Node.js environment, references to other keys and using templates with objects for complex string values

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NPM version


Configuration manager for Node.js applications with perfect performance and without dependencies. Main feature of this configuration manager is merging configuration files depending on Node.js environment, support references to other keys and using templates with objects for complex string values.


[![Kea Config: Configuration Manager for node.js](./img/kea-config-first-video-slide.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6nTr5T8GVI)


[![Kea Config: Configuration Manager for node.js](./img/kea-config-presentation-title-slide.png)](http://slides.com/sergiidaniloff/deck/fullscreen)


Quick example

Initialization and usage

    // For process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development';
    configManager.get('web.port'); // 4343
    // For process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';
    configManager.get('web.port'); // 7474

    // If you don't want to apply changes connected to environment
    // just use init method
    configManager.get('web.port'); // 3005

File ./config/main.conf.js

    var config = {}

    config.web = {
        port: 3005,
        sessionKey: '6ketaq3cgo315rk9',
        paging: {
            defaultPageSize: 25,
            numberVisiblePages: 10
        mongoDb: {
            username: 'dbUser',
            password: 'strongPassword',
            host: 'localhost',
            port: 27101,
            db: 'database'
        propertyReference: {
            $ref: 'web.paging.defaultPageSize'
        templateReference: {
            $ref: 'web.mongoDb',
            $tmpl: 'mongodb://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{db}'

    module.exports = config;
File ./config/development.conf.js
    var config = {}

    config.web = {
        port: 4343

    module.exports = config;
File ./config/production.conf.js
    var config = {}

    config.web = {
        port: 7474

    module.exports = config;


Install with npm:

npm install kea-config --save

In your code require the package:

var configManager = require('kea-config');

Setup configuration data


This command will initialize configManager by main.conf.js in and then merge development.conf.js (if NODE_ENV === development)

Read (get) and write (set) config data:

    var sessionSecret = configManager.get('web.sessionKey');
    configManager.set('web.paging.defaultPageSize', 15);
    // also
    webConfig = configManager.get('web.paging');
            defaultPageSize: 15,
            numberVisiblePages: 10

    // Usage references

    configManager.get('web.propertyReference'); // 25

    // Usage templates

    configManager.get('web.templateReference'); // 'mongodb://dbUser:strongPassword@localhost:27101/database' - string

Testing, coverage and benchmark

  • npm test or gulp mocha - run tests
  • gulp cover - check tests coverage
  • gulp benchmark - rum performance test
  • gulp readme - prepare README.md from documentation folder

Code coverage

Statements ................................... 100% ( 123/123 )
Branches ..................................... 96.67% ( 58/60 )
Functions .................................... 100% ( 20/20 )
Lines ........................................ 100% ( 123/123 )

Performance test

Get simple key ............................... 5,799,240 ops/sec +0.47%
Get deep key ................................. 5,488,370 ops/sec +0.31%
Get key with reference ....................... 1,508,501 ops/sec +0.23%
Get key with reference and template .......... 106,877 ops/sec +0.27%
Get key with deep references ................. 274,983 ops/sec +0.80%
Get key with deep references and template .... 108,919 ops/sec +0.25%
Set simple key ............................... 3,446,469 ops/sec +0.26%
Set deep key ................................. 3,135,072 ops/sec +1.82%

Road map

  • support .yml, .yaml, .coffee, .cson, .properties, .json, .json5, .hjson
  • adapters for different storages like (filesystem, DB, localstorage / sessionstorage, web api and etc.)
  • save current state of config
  • delete key

Inspired by



Image from thetartankiwi



Configuration manager for Node.js applications.


Full init config based on environment variable NODE_ENV. If NODE_ENV not available use development as default. This method looking for two files main (name started from 'main' word) and file with name started from environment (like development, staging, production)

Kind: static method of kea-config

Param Type Description
dirPath string | object path to folder with configuration files, from project root


ConfigManager initialization by data in file. Not save previous configuration.

Kind: static method of kea-config

Param Type Description
path string path to CommonJs module with configuration, from project root


Update exist configuration. Merge new config to exist.

Kind: static method of kea-config

Param Type Description
path string path to CommonJs module with configuration, from project root

kea-config.setData(data, isMerge)

Set / merge data in configuration manager

Kind: static method of kea-config

Param Type Description
data object configuration data
isMerge boolean should manager merge data to exist configuration


Get whole configuration as an object

Kind: static method of kea-config

kea-config.get(key) ⇒ *

Get 'value' of 'key'.

Kind: static method of kea-config
Returns: * - value - value of key. Can be primitive or javascript object. Objects not connected to original configuration. If value contain reference ({$ref: 'some.reference.to.other.key'}), then return reference value, if value contain reference with template({ $ref: 'some.reference', $tmpl: '{some}:{template}.{string}' }) and reference point to object then return string with populated placeholder in template (look example on top of page).

Param Type Description
key string key in configuration. Like 'simpleKey' or 'section.subsection.complex.key'. See config-managet-test.js


Using deep references ```js // Configuration example { nameValue: 'loginName', dbParams: { username: { $ref: 'web.nameValue' }, password: '12345' }, dbConnection: { user: { $ref: 'web.dbParams' }, key: { $ref: 'web.sessionKey' } }, dbConectionStr: { $ref: 'web.dbConnection', $tmpl: 'db:{user.username}::{user.password}@{key}' } }; configManager.get('dbConnection'); //should return object // { // user: { // username: 'loginName', // password: '12345' // }, // key: '6ketaq3cgo315rk9' // } configManager.get('dbConectionStr'); //should return string 'db:loginName::12345@6ketaq3cgo315rk9' ``` ### kea-config.set(key, value) Set 'value' for 'key'

Kind: static method of kea-config

Param Type Description
key string key in configuration. Like 'simpleKey' or 'section.subsection.complex.key'. See config-managet-test.js
value *

kea-config.has(key) ⇒ boolean

Check availability of key in configuration

Kind: static method of kea-config
