
FRC Team 2551 Penguin Empire Robotics' code for the 2020 season, Infinite Recharge.

Primary LanguageC++


FRC Team 2551 Penguin Empire Robotics' code for the 2020 season, Infinite Recharge.

Software features

Hopefully lots. 😄

Useful links - reference, tips, resources, etc.

This list in intended for internal consumption on Team 2551. Links may go to the C++-specific versions of things, and it's written in an informal style. If you find it useful regardless, fantastic, but

This is an incomplete list - more coming soon.

General FRC stuff


REV stuff (NEO and SPARK MAX)

Kauai Labs NavX

CI/Azure Pipelines Resources

These are not things you have to download or that you're going to be looking at every day, like most of the other subheadings, but it's useful stuff to have as institutional knowledge, I think, so it needs to go somewhere.

Limelight Resources

Other stuff

  • Controls Engineering in the FIRST Robotics Competition: Graduate-level control theory for high schoolers by Tyler Veness (a 3512 mentor) is an entire book about ways to model (robot) systems and write better code for them, and the latest version is always available at https://file.tavsys.net/control/controls-engineering-in-frc.pdf. (The introduction explains it better.)