
inline block missing functionality

Closed this issue · 11 comments

The inline block is a block that you can put instead of a function that returns a number, however stacking multiple inline blocks at a time lead to some bugs.

You can very easily drag out an inline block and put it in your code, then put another inline block INSIDE of the return block on the previous inline block, and this works very well, however when you duplicate it and try to stack BOTH of them AT THE SAME TIME, it doesn't work. You have to do it one at a time.

While this would be very useless in a normal coding scenario, it's fun for people who just like to mess around :D

oh yeah, i think this is the same issue that makes it such a pain to construct switch case statements sometimes

does this work if you drag the center of the inline block? not sure if im understanding fully

@JeremyGamer13 if im understanding him correctly its the same/similar issue with the case block not wanting to insert if they dont have the c-clamp filled in and being really buggy about wrapping around blocks

block_5_15_2024-3_52_11 PM

to make something like this, you have to drag it one at a time because if you duplicate the whole thing and drag it in to the return, it wont work, although i don't see how fixing this would be helpful for making an actual game :p


it wont let me drag it in

if you could include your hardware specs cause i just did it and it works :bleh

nvm im doing ti differently

you have to drag the block to center on the input

and to be clear this is a function of dragging a block into an input and has nothing to do with it being an inline block
its just easier to do with inline blocks since they have content stacked vertically rather then horrizontally

example of this being the case on more normal blocks
Screen recording 2024-05-15 2.02.29 PM.webm


i guess i only tested the inline block lol
