
Toast Notifications Not Loading

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In the extensions.js File the link for Toast Notifications is missing a Period so it says

        name: "Toast Notifications",
        description: "Did you want alerts? Notificationss that are easily customizable? This is the only and best notification extension!",
        code: "MubiLop/toastnotifsjs",
        banner: "MubiLop/toastnotifs.png",
        creator: "MubiLop",
        isGitHub: false,

when it should say

        name: "Toast Notifications",
        description: "Did you want alerts? Notificationss that are easily customizable? This is the only and best notification extension!",
        code: "MubiLop/toastnotifs.js",
        banner: "MubiLop/toastnotifs.png",
        creator: "MubiLop",
        isGitHub: false,
