
OOP in PenguinMod? (Object Oriented Programming)

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I know that scratch is only designed to work with strings, numbers, and booleans, but wouldn't it be so cool if we could access all of the other javascript types? We could use actual objects instead of using JSON. We could create custom classes and use bigint, symbol, and all of these other javascript types. and all the normal blocks have a cast already, so would OOP in penguinmod be possible?

I know that scratch is only designed to work with strings, numbers, and booleans, but wouldn't it be so cool if we could access all of the other javascript types? We could use actual objects instead of using JSON. We could create custom classes and use bigint, symbol, and all of these other javascript types. and all the normal blocks have a cast already, so would OOP in penguinmod be possible?

thought about doing it, never came to a decisions on it
might add this into the development repo thingy

Only wonder how something like this would integrate with the project smoothly

would it potentially need a separate tab?
Or would the block editor need to be majorly changed to support different formats alongside blocks
Whatever the solution is, I would love to have this as a feature

uhhh i made it myself

dude you made a suggestion you can’t just close it?

dude you made a suggestion you can’t just close it?

yes they can