
Trapezoids in costume editor

AndrewScripter587 opened this issue · 4 comments

this is a suggestion for the costume editor:
add the ability to draw trapezoids in the costume editor. we can draw triangles, why not trapezoids? the numeric input for this would be the angle of the lines on the left and right, with 0 either being a perfect triangle or a perfect square, idk
this would be useful for some platformer games or other projects using a physics engine.

also if this could be marked as a suggestion instead of an issue, that'd be great.

also if this could be marked as a suggestion instead of an issue, that'd be great.

Waste of time if you ask me, it's not that hard to make a trapezoid with the editor. Although I will admit it's not the funnest thing to do.

github dorsnt have that?

also if this could be marked as a suggestion instead of an issue, that'd be great.

github dlesnt have that?

also wha dhape is a teapazoid vbleh