
Signatures for different platforms to verify Sub-domain Takeover vulnerabilities!

Subdomain Takeover Signatures

Signatures for different platforms to verify Sub-domain Takeover vulnerabilities!

Contribution Policy

Make sure to append a new source, crediting the real owner, author, discoverer or resource in your Pull Requests!

Contribution Guidelines

You can contribute to signatures.json in two different ways. To add new signatures, please append them at the end of the JSON data!

Method I: Single Signature for a Platform

Use this method when you know of a single valid signature for subdomain takeover within a platform!

	"platforms": [
			"platform": "...",
			"content": "..."
			"platform": "Platform Name, for example, GitHub Pages",
			"content": "Signature for Subdomain Takeover in GitHub Pages"

Method II: Multiple Signatures for a Platform

Use this method when you know of multiple valid signatures for subdomain takeover within a platform!

	"platforms": [
			"platform": "...",
			"content": "..."
			"platform": "Platform Name, for example, GitHub Pages",
			"content": [
				"Signature 1 for Subdomain Takeover in GitHub Pages",
				"Signature 2 for Subdomain Takeover in GitHub Pages"
