Restyle info row
C84186 opened this issue · 1 comments
Migrated request to make info row optional to #5
2 Changing the presentation of the rating / download links:
A few options:
2a: inline, & consistent with the "Genre" subheading:
- In-line
- De-emphasised & coloured the same
- The actual links either use images, or just be styled differently from the title.
Here's a quick mockup:
In reality, all this involved was changing the markup a little - I removed a <br>
element, overwrote some inline styles to match the "Western" text, and added font-weight: lighter;
to the link inline styles.
2b: As an extra column
This is probably the most "Polished" looking option, but might run into compatibility issues with other, similar userscripts, such as the magnet link script I mentioned earlier. From a quick review of their code, it looks like they insert their html elements using hardcoded indices, which isn't particularly resilient to changes in the markup.
Personally, I think it would probably be more robust to use the URL order-by parameters from the header row to find the insertion point, but also, that's harder, and these are just user scripts lol.
Personally, my needs would be satisfied by just implementing 2a, which I'm happy enough to do.
I'll probably mix-in the use of image based-download links, to cut down on horizontal space, & maybe replace the text "Rating:" with an image.