
Camera intrinsics for projection matrix

YuxuanSnow opened this issue · 2 comments


thanks for releasing the scripts.

I have a question regarding the camera intrinsics. I found the groundtruth unreal camera has following intrinsics:

  • focal length: 36.905
  • sensor width: 36
  • sensor height: 20.25
  • hfov: 52

However, when i create the following intrinsics matrix, the unprojected depth point cloud looks like a plane:

K = [[36.905, 0, 36],
     [0, 36.905, 20.5],
     [0, 0, 1]]

Could you refer me a script on how to compute the intrinsics matrix correctly?


You could refer to following script to generate camera intrinsic matrix.

tpsmpi commented

Sensor width/height is always fixed at 36.0mm/20.25mm (16:9 DSLR sensor).
HFOV is not always 52, it can also be 65 or in the case of the zoom subsets vary during a sequence. The dataset ground_truth folder .csv files provide the relevant camera information including HFOV for each image.