Enhancement: Granular Week JSON
JOELwindows7 opened this issue · 3 comments
JOELwindows7 commented
Please check for duplicates or similar issues before creating this issue.
What is your suggestion, and why should it be implemented?
Granular Week JSON.
I think I chose Enigma. idk why, because Enigma was based on Kade, and Psych is another different. And, sorry not meaning to shame, but I almost got idea with Enigma. idk man.
Yeah, To make week loading easy no need to recompile, and injectable by DLCs I mean sub mods.
oh btw, you should suggest from https://github.com/KadeDev/Kade-Engine instead.
Sorry, Kade quit.
JOELwindows7 commented
Here's Psyched
- the folder containing those JSON https://github.com/ShadowMario/FNF-PsychEngine/tree/main/assets/preload/weeks . There are those JSON of course, & the text file containing ID by each line, ordering the weeks.
- The coding of it https://github.com/ShadowMario/FNF-PsychEngine/blob/main/source/WeekData.hx
Here's Enigma
- https://github.com/EnigmaEngine/EnigmaEngine/tree/stable/assets/preload/data/storymenu . there also Characters data for the LCD display of Story Menu.
- https://github.com/EnigmaEngine/EnigmaEngine/blob/stable/source/funkin/behavior/play/Week.hx and I think this is the coding for it.
yeah Enigma drastically tidied stuffs here. and even add documentation comment on here.
JOELwindows7 commented
Oh yeah, name the next Update Transformative
JOELwindows7 commented
Wait don't close yet! not finished