Enhancement: Make Lane Underlay more useful by making it player turn marker!
JOELwindows7 opened this issue · 0 comments
JOELwindows7 commented
Please check for duplicates or similar issues before creating this issue.
What is your suggestion, and why should it be implemented?
make lane underlay marker for player turn. if it is that player turn, opaque it a little bit, otherwise lower alpha again.
because to make lane underlay more useful if not already.
trick is to make those 2 FlxSprite global variable. init & there you can manage their alphas respectively.
if underlay not enabled, try some other way to mark player turn, idk.
oh btw, you should suggest from https://github.com/KadeDev/Kade-Engine instead.
idk if Kade going to give rest of us 1.8.1 considering he will do so to his friend.