
CPAN-Meta-YAML/t/30_yaml_spec_tml.t produces noise on stderr

Closed this issue · 5 comments

iabyn commented

CPAN-Meta-YAML/t/30_yaml_spec_tml.t produces noise on stderr. This trivial diff fixes that.

diff --git a/cpan/CPAN-Meta-YAML/t/30_yaml_spec_tml.t b/cpan/CPAN-Meta-YAML/t/30
index 1209a96..3cd97b6 100644
--- a/cpan/CPAN-Meta-YAML/t/30_yaml_spec_tml.t
+++ b/cpan/CPAN-Meta-YAML/t/30_yaml_spec_tml.t
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use TestUtils;
my $JSON = json_class()
or Test::More::plan skip_all => 'no JSON backends available!?';

-diag 'using JSON backend: ' . $JSON;
+note 'using JSON backend: ' . $JSON;

Each spec test will need a different bridge and arguments:

my @spec_tests = (

This output is intentional, for diagnostic purposes. What is the problem?

More specifically, we want to see the JSON backend in smoke reports, etc. if any tests fail. Those are not run in verbose mode so we need diag instead of note.

Actually, we really ought to include $VERSION in that diag.

I just figured out that @iabyn is Dave Mitchell, and this is part of the "make blead build quietly" quest. What environment variable should we check for to skip this diag when being built in blead, as it's not going to be relevant there (the only backend available in core is JSON::PP)?


ok, PR #39 prepared to address both these points.