
Getopt-Long-Descriptive-0.110 needs Perl v5.12.0 or later

atoomic opened this issue · 2 comments

This is an issue while building 5.10 images
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Getopt-Long-Descriptive-0.110| Perl v5.12.0 required--this is only v5.10.1, stopped at Makefile.PL line 5.

seems to come from Pod::Readme

2021-11-01T06:16:55,1,Pod-Readme-v1.2.3| Found dependencies: CPAN::Changes (0.30), Class::Method::Modifiers (0), File::Slurp (0), Getopt::Long::Descriptive (0), MooX::HandlesVia (0), Role::Tiny (0), Type::Tiny (1.000000), Types::Standard (0), namespace::autoclean (0)

also suggest a bump to Pod-Readme itself bigpresh/Pod-Readme#32