
A jQuery plug-in for controlling scrolling behaviours in the web-browser

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Introducing scrollTargeting.js

scrollTargeting.js is a small (468 bytes minimised, 264 bytes minimised and gzipped) jQuery plug-in for controlling scrolling behaviours in the web-browser (only tested in Safari 6 on OS X 10.8 - may work on other platforms).

The plug-in “watches” the mouse cursor position and the DOM’s focused properties and adjusts the scroll behaviour accordingly. It has a very small footprint and should not have a negative impact on performance.


To scratch a personal itch. Read the back-story on my weblog.


I have put together a demo page, illustrating the various options of the scrollTargeting.js plug-in. The files for the demo page are also available on GitHub.


scrollTargeting.js is extremely easy to use:

  1. Load jQuery

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.0/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

  1. Load the plug-in

<script src="/path/to/scrollTargeting.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

  1. Bind the behaviours

<script type="text/javascript"> scrollTargeting('#exampleID', 1); </script>

  1. Enjoy!

Details, Details

When binding the behaviours, the two parameters you must provide are the element/object selector(s) and the behaviour index respectively. Hence:

  • scrollTargeting('#myTextarea', 1); will add behaviour #1 to the element #myTextarea;
  • scrollTargeting('pre', 3); will add behaviour #3 to all <pre> elements;
  • scrollTargeting('#myContainer textarea', 2); will add behaviour #2 to all <textarea> elements that are descendants of the element #myContainer;
  • scrollTargeting('textarea, blockquote, code, pre', 1); will add behaviour #1 to all <textarea>, <blockquote>, <code> and <pre> elements.

The element/object can be any jQuery-style selector. The behaviours are as follows:

  • #1: If the mouse cursor is over the specified element then scrolling will be limited to that element;
  • #2: If the element gets focus then scrolling will be limited to the element;
  • #3: A combinaton of #1 & #2. If the mouse cursor is over the element or the element gets focus, then scrolling will be limited to the element.

Where Can I Use It?

Anywhere. Aside from working with editable content areas, scrollTargeting.js comes in handy for <pre> and <code> regions, HTML <iframe> containers or for preventing background scrolling when modal windows are displayed. The plug-in can be very useful when used in conjunction with lightbox scripts, especially when they are displaying scrollable content of their own.