
Question: Bad Link on Running - Not a bug, maybe a configuration setting?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

First: Thank you @PeteGoo for one of my staple TC Plugins! I've used it for several years now, without problem... until I changed jobs, and put it on a TC box running 2017.1.3 (an earlier version than I was using at my previous location - and it was working fine): Version 1.4.4 (I know I even tried the latest version, 1.4.6, same results...)

Succeeded link works. Running link is wonky. Very weird.

I've checked the log for the request being made to Slack. Both the request made for the Running and Succeeded are the same (aside from the message text) as far as the link it concerned:

Running - Text Value:

&pretty=1 using proxy null:0

Succeeded Text Value:

&pretty=1 using proxy null:0

This is what shows in the Slack Channel (instead of just "Running" w/ the link:

< - ######## :: ########:: ######## #1.3.8->


I did not see anywhere where you can set the configuration base link, so I think it's a bug which started occurring on newer releases of TeamCity

What's odd is... I'm using just one minor release/version older of TeamCity that I knew it was working on.

It may actually be with Slack itself. Handling of <|text here> syntax doesn't always work correctly. Example: <|google>

Unless I'm missing something.