
Again: Cannot remove "Anyone" Sensor

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I freshly installed homebridge-people (in fact I do not want to realize a presence-detection, instead I just want to have a sensor to check if some of my devices are online or offline). then I tried to remove the Anyone-Sensor by setting "anyoneSensor" : false, in my config.json, but it keeps showing up.

I also tried removing the /var/homebridge/accessories/cachedAccessories file, it unfortunately had no effect, the sensor is still there (of course I restarted the home bridge service and the client after deleting the file)... it just gave me work to reconfigure half of my devices in the Home app (names, groups, room-settings and icons where lost on ALL of my devices that are configured with homebridge)... I just want to state this to make clear I do not want to delete the file for experimental reasons once more :(