Not Refreshing Until Checked
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The plugin doesn't appear to be reporting to HomeKit unless the application is opened to check.
Could you perhaps have the status of a checked up reported to the homebridge log so that we could use this for debugging? This would help determine when the system is officially checking in with the people plugin.
Is there anything I could do to help debug this? ๐ anyone else having the same issue?
After digging through the index file I'm wondering if perhaps something isn't telling this to constantly push to HomeKit, which may be why this is requiring attention. @PeteLawrence what do you think?
I've had this installed for a few days. I didn't realize it at first (because I kept actively checking the app) but I too seem to only get updates when manually opening homekit. As a result my automation is not running without going into the app on my phone. Happy to help debug as well but not sure where to start.
Any work on this, or where to start? ๐
It became apparent to me that this is not an issue for me 100% of time. I haven't yet determine how often it's working but my issue with this one may have been isolated.
erfinb - Maybe try logging out and back in to your Apple TV to see if that helps?
I have noticed that as well, and have turned the Apple TV off and back on, restored the Apple TV, dumped the HomeKit configuration, and even restored my iMac it is residing on. I've been trying to figure outa correlation for why this seems to be happening and can't find one. It doesn't work for triggering more often than not though, which is making it difficult to depend on. :(
Do any of us know how to debug this lol?
I don't know if it is a bug in this plugin, as I experience this issue in one of my plugins as well. This issue occured since 10.2. Could not find anything on the net about it yet.
I noticed the same behavior (sometimes the automation is called upon and sometimes the automation only runs when I enter the Home app) and came across this post while searching for a possible explanation. I did notice however that - throughout last night - one of my automations was called upon a number of times while I was sleeping.
I am using multiple homebridge-plugins, in this particular case:
Homebridge-people, to detect the presence of myself and my partner. I use these in Automations, either as Trigger (to run automation when presence is detected) or as Condition (to execute Automations depending on the presence of Anyone, one of us specifically or No one).
Homebridge-ifttt, to create a bunch of stateless buttons. These buttons are included in my Automations and send a HTTP request to my IFTTT Maker channel where I have applets created to append a timestamp into an Evernote note + send a Notification to my iPhone. That way I can keep track of which Automation has been executed when, both real-time and at earlier moments, allowing me to understand anomalies, unexpected events, etc...
Through the above configuration, I noticed this morning that the automation that should run when my partner arrives home has run a couple of times while both of us were sleeping. This leads me to conclude that:
- The homebridge-people plugin forgot the current state of my partner's presence and 'detected' him again. And yes, I checked, he didn't leave the house multiple times during the night while I was sleeping ;-)
- As a result of that, the Automation that should run when he arrives home did run a couple of times last night, without having to open the Home app for it. There was no trend in the different timestamps that could explain that.
Not really directly contributing to a solution, but maybe the experienced behavior might lead to some insights for others. Definitely interested in a potential solution.
UPDATE: while searching for a potential cause/solution, I came across this. Not related as such, but maybe indirectly it could give an idea as to what causes this.
I even uninstalled the people plugin and my other plugins keep having the save issue.
Hey @benzman81 are you experiencing this issue still, and you said it's happening to other plugins besides this one?
i'm having this issue too. I dont think it's the plugin i think its the automation not running (for some unknown reason).
Locative will sent command ok and i get a notification to say it was sent but automation doesn't run (sometimes), even when i open the app and it shows that my presence is home (so it knows i'm home but doesn't do anything). Just fails to run the automation. Rebooting my ATV4 will make it work again for a bit but then it'll stop working again after a period of time.
Is there a way to interrogate Homekit (not Homebridge!) for the status of a switch? As it might be an idea to have a request every x minutes fired, simply to know the status. It might a) tell us whether the status received is in line with what we're expecting and b) keep the Homekit 'alive' (as it still feels like there is some kind of sleeping functionality that is causing this).
This issue seems to have got worse after the latest update to iOS and TVOS. It used to be hit and miss now its distinctively miss. My Home or Away rules have not run once since the update automatically. If I sit at home and run them manually by sending http requests the rules run.
If anyone is in the iOS beta can they feed back that automations don't run consistently pretty please.
What is weird though is it seems to be sensor/ switch rules which are failing. I have two timed ones to wake me up in the morning and they never fail, unfortunately lol
Same as and fixed in Issue #76 via @stephanroslen's fix.
This should now be fixed in v0.6.0.