
`extendPages` aren't available on `.search`

shaundon opened this issue · 3 comments

I've noticed that the extendPages and extendPagesConcurrently methods aren't available when using the .search function.

The below code produces the following error:

Referencing instance method 'extendPages(_:maxExtraPages:)' on 'Publisher' requires that 'SearchResult' conform to 'Paginated'
let api = SpotifyAPI(
  authorizationManager: AuthorizationCodeFlowManager(
  clientId: clientId, 
  clientSecret: clientSecret

var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>() "My query", categories: [.tracks], limit: 50)
  .receive(on: RunLoop.main)
    receiveCompletion: { completion in
      // Handle completion
    receiveValue: { resultsPage in
      // Handle results page
  .store(in: &cancellables)

I get the same error when trying extendPagesConcurrently, too.

As far as I can tell from Spotify's API documentation, paging should work fine on this endpoint, as it does for others.

Is this a deliberate omission, or is it a bug?

Update: I took a look at the source code for SearchResult and it appears that the properties within implement PagingObject (e.g. PagingObject<Track>). So I might just be trying to extend the pages in the wrong way.

SearchResult does not conform to Paginated because it does not have a next property. This is the only requirement for conforming to this protocol.

Furthermore, I have just now discovered that extendPages and extendPagesConcurrently don't work with any of the paging objects within SearchResult either because when a request is made to the next property of these paging objects, Spotify returns a JSON response that must be decoded into SearchResult, instead of PagingObject.

The Paginated protocol relies on the assumption that the next property of a paging object will return a JSON response that can be decoded into another paging object of the same type.

Therefore, you must use the SpotifyAPI.getFromHref(_:responseType:) method instead with these paging objects, and pass in SearchResult for the responseType. Or, just make multiple requests to the search method directly with different offsets.

Thanks for the detailed response!