
New ChaCha/Poly ciphers

drwetter opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi Peter,

there is a set of new chacha/poly ciphers like cca8, cca9, see

Is that possible to have them integrated into this branch and renaming the old ones like ?

Cheers, Dirk

Hi Dirk,

I'll look into it, whether it's feasible with 1.0.2 or that 'restarting' openssl from master (1.1.x) makes more sense at this point.
Thanks for the request.



@PeterMosmans : Have you looked into it? Other than moving away conflicts with the old CHACHA/POLY ciphers it "just" seems to me a few hours of work.

I would love to do this but atm I still have a queue of things I need to work on.

Hi @drwetter it's still on the TODO list, but, similar to you, there's quite a large queue. Let me know if you want to/have time for this issue. If not, I'll try to finish it as soon as a slot opens up 😉



For the record so that it is easier to find the info if somebody will start working on it, see

@PeterMosmans is there a patch at least I can reverse the old ciphers or is all I need?

Hi @drwetter - I went through the logs, but unfortunately the ChaCha implementation is spread out across a number of commits. I don't have the exact commits handy. You might want to try filtering on committer (aka me ;) - , maybe that helps?