
Wrap around

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Basically, if you have foo(a, b, c), with your cursor on the c, >, should move it before the a, like foo(c, a, b).
Moreover, the way the plugin works right now, if your cursor is on the ), hitting ], should put it on the (.

I don't know how easy it would be to implement this, but it'd be a much-welcomed addition!

I personally like to do 99>, to move an argument to the last position. I will have to ponder on this to think which is the best path for the plugin. However 99<, should get he argument to the first position

Sorry for the late reply.

I haven't actually thought about using ranges... Since that is available, then my request is of less importance. It'd still be a cool feature to have I think, but I agree that the semantics would get a bit messed up...