
Enhance the "Find Boxart Image" Button

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Similar to the "Find Boxart on Google" Button i would like to have a "Find Boxart on SteamGridDB" Button. Maybe as a Dropdown Button.

Steam Grid Query URL looks like:
So just opening + game.title should work.

Also, maybe an idea for a GameVault+ Feature?

Additional "Add Custom" Dropdown Option.

With "Add Custom" you can enter your own search url for example:

provider: PCGamingWiki  

And GameVault just replaces $GAME with the Game Title Upon Search and adds this option to the dropdown with the ability to remove it.

Now that i look at it, i regret not implementing this button as a part of GameVault+ in the first place 😄

Its a perfect fit!

Well, now that it is there, we might aswell just stick to it being free and implement all of this in free version.