
A trading robot, that can submit basic orders in an automated fashion using the TD API.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python Trading Robot

Table of Contents


A trading robot written in Python that can run automated strategies using a technical analysis. The robot is designed to mimic a few common scenarios:

  1. Maintaining a portfolio of multiple instruments. The Portfolio object will be able to calculate common risk metrics related to a portfolio and give real-time feedback as you trade.

  2. Define an order that can be used to trade a financial instrument. With the Trade object, you can define simple or even complex orders using Python. These orders will also help similify common scenarios like defining both a take profit and stop loss at the same time.

  3. A real-time data table that includes both historical and real-time prices as they change. The StockFrame will make the process of storing your data easy and quick. Additionally, it will be setup so that way you can easily select your financial data as it comes in and do further analysis if needed.

  4. Define and calculate indicators using both historical and real-time prices. The Indicator object will help you easily define the input of your indicators, calculate them, and then update their values as new prices come.


Right now, the library is not hosted on PyPi so you will need to do a local install on your system if you plan to use it in other scrips you use.

First, clone this repo to your local system. After you clone the repo, make sure to run the setup.py file, so you can install any dependencies you may need. To run the setup.py file, run the following command in your terminal.

pip install -e .

This will install all the dependencies listed in the setup.py file. Once done you can use the library wherever you want.


To run the robot, you will need to provide a few pieces of information from your TD Ameritrade Developer account. The following items are need for authentication:

  • Client ID: Also, called your consumer key, this was provided when you registered an app with the TD Ameritrade Developer platform. An example of a client ID could look like the following MMMMYYYYYA6444VXXXXBBJC3DOOOO.

  • Redirect URI: Also called the callbakc URL or redirect URL, this was specified by you when you regiestered your app with the TD Ameritrade Developer platform. Here is an example of a redirect URI https://localhost/mycallback

  • Credentials Path: This is a file path that will point to a JSON file where your state info will be saved. Keep in mind that it is okay if it points to a non-existing file as once you run the script the file will be auto generated. For example, if I want my state info to be saved to my desktop, then it would look like the following: C:\Users\Desktop\ts_state.json

Once you've identfied those pieces of info, you can run the robot. Here is a simple example that will create a new instance of it:

from pyrobot.robot import PyRobot

# Initialize the robot
trading_robot = PyRobot(

For more detailed examples, go to the trading_robot.py file to see an example of how to use the library along with all the different objects inside.

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