
Julia package for fitting mixed-effects models with flexible random/repeated covariance structure.

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Metida.jl is Julia package for fitting mixed-effects models with flexible covariance structure.


import Pkg; Pkg.add("Metida")


using Metida, CSV, DataFrames, CategoricalArrays
df = CSV.File(joinpath(dirname(pathof(Metida)),"..","test","csv","df0.csv")) |> DataFrame
transform!(df, :subject => categorical, renamecols=false)
transform!(df, :period => categorical, renamecols=false)
transform!(df, :sequence => categorical, renamecols=false)
transform!(df, :formulation => categorical, renamecols=false)

lmm = LMM(@formula(var~sequence+period+formulation), df;
random = VarEffect(@covstr(formulation|subject), CSH),
repeated = VarEffect(@covstr(formulation|subject), DIAG),


# Or you can use macro @lmmformula

lmm = LMM(@lmmformula(var~sequence+period+formulation,
    random = formulation|subject:CSH,
    repeated = formulation|subject:DIAG),

Also you can use this package with MatidaNLopt.jl and MetidaCu.jl.

See also MixedModels.jl: powerful package for mixed models.

Copyright © 2020 Metida Author: Vladimir Arnautov mail@pharmcat.net