
Included network tools for health monitoring

r-vd-woude opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, thanks for the awesome container, use it almost daily!

I was wondering if you could include a package like "curl" or "netcat" in the image?
That way we can write a healthcheck to start the container up again when it loses connectivity.
I'm using the container with the network_mode being another container, so if that container restarts, Red will loose connectivity, and not restart.
With something like "curl", we could included a simple healthcheck like "curl -sf || exit 1" and restart the container.

I know it is probably a niche cace.

Can you use something like what I did for the dashboard image instead of curl/wget/netcat?

You could use /dev/tcp/ if you needed it to test connectivity to the internet, or the container name of the container that you are networked to, assuming it has a service running inside on a port, if you want to test connectivity to it.

I don't really want to add more stuff to the image unless Redbot itself is actually using it.

Thank you, that worked!
For future reference (if other people need this), this is what I added in my compose file:

      test: ["CMD", "bash", "-c", "echo > /dev/tcp/"]
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 120s