Espei not compatible with pycalphad 0.9.1
wahab2604 opened this issue · 3 comments
When I do a fresh install of espei (via pip) it also installs pycalphad 0.9.1 and I get an Import Error:
" cannot import name 'pointsolve' from 'pycalphad.core.eqsolver' "
However, when I downgrade it to pycalphad 0.9.0 everything works fine
@wahab2604 thanks for reporting this issue. There are few internal API changes in pycalphad 0.9.1 that necessitate a new release for ESPEI. The ESPEI master branch is currently compatible with pycalphad 0.9.1, we just need to make a new release 😄
@wahab2604 ESPEI 0.8.5 that is compatible with pycalphad 0.9.1 should be available now via PyPI!
Thank you very much, I am getting an Index error only when using binplot, but espei is working fine so i'll open the issue on the pycalphad Github