
simple blog with django

Primary LanguageHTML


General info

This is a simple blog app.
It uses Django Framework for both frontend and backend as well as bootstrap for css styling.
Posts can be added/deleted/edited via admin panel (localhost:8000/admin by default).
All credentials are stored in a provided .env file.

Project structure

  • Blog is the main project app, defining settings and main url routing

  • Pages app is reponsible for displaying main static pages: index (homepage), about, and contact_form

  • Posts app mostly handles 'Post' model, defines db fields, and single post view

  • Each app stores its template files inside templates folder, partials and base.html are used to reduce redundant frontend code.

Server uses managed postgresql instance. SendGrid is an email API provider.

Dependency installation

Create new python virtualenv.

pip install -r requirements.txt


# (pip3 install pipenv)
pipenv install

Starting the application

Ensure secrets inside .env file are correct.

./manage.py runserver

# or (if using pipenv)

pipenv shell; ./manage.py runserver

Checking received emails

Emails are sent to account defined by ADMIN_EMAIL environment variable (has to be enabled and whitelisted sendgrid api management panel). Credentials to that account are provided in the .env file.