Some books incorrectly listed as having more than one copy by MXD
WyndhamMisio opened this issue · 3 comments
Connected to library #2, iPhone and using MXD v 1.1.1002
I manually checked Marvin and these books have only one copy.
I've re-booted the PC and run the connection again with the same result.
Previously I used MXD to delete the books from Marvin, and then after closing down and restarting, sent them to Marvin from Calibre - and MXD now claims they are duplicated.
Here is the debug report from thje last time I checked.
(debug log removed)
Please update to the latest update 1.1.1003 of MXD. I've made some adjustments to how the match quality (color) is computed. I don't think it will affect this issue, but I want you to run the most recent version.
I removed your debug log as it's not needed for this issue. If I need a debug log, I will let you know.
I believe that this issue may be a misunderstanding about the meaning of the various colors. The MXD Help file describes the meaning of the colors, but I'll reiterate them here:
GREEN: There is an exact match between a book in your calibre library and a book in your Marvin library
YELLOW: There is a content match (identical content) between a book in your calibre library and a book in your Marvin library, but there is a metadata mismatch (different title, author, cover, pubdate, etc).
ORANGE: This book matches a book in your calibre library, but another book with the same content exists in Marvin.
RED: There is more than one book with the same content in your Marvin library.
WHITE: A single copy of this book exists only in Marvin.
In your example above, double click any of your ORANGE books to display the metadata. The panel on the left will show the calibre metadata for the book; the panel on the right show the Marvin metadata for the book. My guess is that multiple copies of the same book are in fact installed in your Marvin library, but with differing metadata.
Please report back with what you find.
In looking at your screenshot, the most obvious answer is that the first two orange books (HAWX) are in fact the same content but with different titles and authors, and the third and fourth books (Endgame) are the same content but with different titles and authors.
I thought I had replied to this already, so apologies.
I had checked, and these are duplicates and have since been deleted.