
[enhancement] extract text attributes keys into variables for the syntax highlighter

javatlacati opened this issue · 3 comments

in example:

Array(createTextAttributesKey("COMMENT", DefaultLanguageHighlighterColors.LINE_COMMENT))

if you have it extracted

public static final TextAttributesKey COMMENT =
            createTextAttributesKey("COMMENT", DefaultLanguageHighlighterColors.LINE_COMMENT);

you can easily configure colors setting page

public class PrologColorSettingsPage implements ColorSettingsPage {

    private static final AttributesDescriptor[] DESCRIPTORS = new AttributesDescriptor[]{
            new AttributesDescriptor("Line Comment", PrologSyntaxHighlighter.COMMENT),

    public AttributesDescriptor @NotNull [] getAttributeDescriptors() {
        return DESCRIPTORS;

That sounds like a great idea! Are you interested in turning this into a PR? My hands are tight this week, so I might be unable to make this improvement happen soon.

The new plugin was submitted to JetBrains' marketplace for moderation; this issue is marked resolved :P, thanks for the good work @javatlacati