operator not recognized =..
javatlacati opened this issue · 1 comments
javatlacati commented
The operator =..
is not defined, and probably some others.
Such operator is documented here.
How to reproduce
Example code:
dbretrieve2(TupleDesc, QueueNum, TupCall ) :-
TupleDesc =.. [_:TupleList] ,%TupleHead
p_getTuple(TupleList,Eof, TupCall) ,
( (Eof == true, p_freeQueue(QueueNum) ,! ,fail) ;
true) .
which produces the error:
':-' or const_id expected, got '.'
proposed solution
I think the operator can be added in the file prologLexer.flex
Phosphorus15 commented
Done! thanks for the good work.