
Momit has closed

SapientPizza opened this issue · 1 comments

It seems you're right momit has gone out of business.

Can we redirect send commands to their devices somehow now that their cloud is dead?


Sorry it took so long to get back to this. It indeed seems Momit has gone out of business. I also got the e-mail. I

It's winter where I live so I have little use for my AC at the moment and the need to toy with my AC is at a low point at the moment.

As it says in the README, this package will continue working, even without the Momit servers online. I do not know how the Momit Cool itself works with their servers down. All I know is that this package does not depend on their servers in any way. It might be possible to emulate their servers, but I am not sure how.

I'll get back to this at some point and see if I can figure something out as I'd like to continue using this :)