
Support for Python 2.7+?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

It would be a nice addition!

Feel free to add it. I exclusively use Python 3 for obvious reasons.

@Photonios what would be your obvious reasons, if you do not mind?

Proper Unicode support to start with. Another one is AsyncIO. Also, the fact that print and raise are treated like functions. That just makes more sense.

You wrote:

Proper Unicode support to start with.

from __future__ import unicode_literals gets you that in Python 2

Another one is AsyncIO.

tulip has been backported to Python2: See

Also, the fact that print and raise are treated like functions. That just makes more sense.

from __future__ import print_function gets you a print function. raise has never been a function in Python 3.

And FWIW, you are using neither asyncio nor print and most handling bytes. That said, I apologize to bug you with this: you are not using any Python 3 feature from the look of it, so back porting will be easy.