Stored properties cannot be marked unavailable with '@available'
MiyoAlpizar opened this issue · 10 comments
Hi everyone, I have this version, I tried to update version but it seems this is the last one available
pod 'PasswordTextField','1.2.0'
My project can't compile because of this error
Stored properties cannot be marked unavailable with '@available'
* Shows the toggle button while editing, never, or always. The possible values to set are "editing", "never", "always
@available(, unavailable, message: "This property is reserved for Interface Builder. Use 'showButtonWhile' instead.")
@IBInspectable var showToggleButtonWhile: String? {
willSet {
if let newShow = ShowButtonWhile(rawValue: newValue?.lowercased() ?? "") {
self.showButtonWhile = newShow
I have the same issue.
hello PiXeL16
i have the same issue with Xcode 15
Are you tested you frameWork with Xcode 15
temporary solution: pull the latest code with following line in the podfile and run pod install.
pod 'PasswordTextField', :git => '', :branch => 'master'
@ricky641 Could this be related to any of your last changes?
Yes, I fixed this. You might need to bump the version of this repo. I also saw this until we bump the version the package will not be updated.
hello PiXeL16 i have the same issue with Xcode 15 Are you tested you frameWork with Xcode 15
Yes, I tested with Xcode 15. You might need to remove the package and add the package again so that it can pull the latest changes.
Thanks @ricky641b. Can someone confirm so I can close ?
Thanks @ricky641b. Can someone confirm so I can close ?
I don't know why in the tags in the repo it is still showing 1.2.0. Can you please try to tag and update the version?
1.3.0 is up now.