
HideSidebar: Button removed when rerendering

Closed this issue · 6 comments

If anything rerenders the sidebar, as some plugins that change folder behaviour like ServerFolders do, the button will be removed because the sidebar is replaced. The way to fix it without patching the sidebar would be using the observer method to detect the rerendering and apply the changes again.

See https://github.com/QbDesu/BetterDiscordAddons/blob/potato/Plugins/PanelPopout/PanelPopout.plugin.js#L120-L133 for an exaple on how this could be done.

BdApi.findModuleByProps('sidebar','sidebarRegion')?.sidebar to programmatically get the class for the sidebar btw.
And BdApi.findModuleByProps('scroller')?.scroller and BdApi.findModuleByProps('scrollerBase')?.scrollerBase for the server list.

BdApi.injectCSS(id, css) and BdApi.clearCSS(id) are utility functions for plugins to add styles. (even if it works similar to your method)

oooh thank you so much ^^ I'll have a look at fixing it today

Any updates on this? The plugin works great in general but for it to work, I need to enter plugin settings and restart it, I presume some other plugin rerenders the sidebar on startup (as I can see the button for a second after starting Discord)

I couldn’t get it fixed before I went away on holiday, just got home yesterday, so started working on it again today, will hopefully have it updated for approval by Monday or Tuesday

The latest commit should now fix this. Should be submitted for approval, so hopefully will be live in the next few days.