
HideSideBar just dead

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I managed to fix it by changing two functions in the code:

    const sidebarSelector = createSelector(
        // BdApi.findModuleByProps("hasNotice").sidebar
    const guildBarSelector = createSelector(
        // BdApi.findModuleByProps("hasNotice").guilds

Hope that helps.

Edit: made a PR

yo thank you so much for that, @accelyte Sorry been super busy lately so haven't had time to look after it, well give it a quick test and merge

@YuuJinS should be fixed now


Did a bit more testing with it when I got home from uni and it's not completely fixed 🙃 I assumed the fix wouldn't be a permanent solution considering I was selecting an exact index from an array and as expected it broke when I first opened discord again... but once everything fully loaded calling findallmodules returned the two elements as expected and it worked again but yeah it's not a permanent fix :/ but at least the hot key is working ig

If you change BdApi.findAllModules(m => m.sidebar)[1].sidebar to BdApi.findAllModules(m => m.guilds)[1].sidebar, it starts working again. Seems like the sidebarcomponent is tied to the guildscomponent.

Edit: updated the PR to include new changes